Sunday, October 01, 2006

Why Would Top Republicans Have A Zen-Like Calm?

"The polls keep suggesting that Republicans could be in for a historic drubbing. And their usual advantage--competence on national security--is constantly being challenged by new revelations about bungling in Iraq. But top Republican officials maintain an eerie, Zen-like calm. They insist that the prospects for their congressional candidates in November's midterms have never been as bad as advertised and are getting better by the day. Those are party operatives and political savants whose job it is to anticipate trouble. But much of the time they seem so placid, you wonder whether they know something."

Read more here.

According to the article quoted above Republicans aren't worried about the coming election in November because they have more money to spend and are better organized than Democrats and because of redistricting also. However, I have a different hypothesis for their supposed confidence as I am sure othe people would have as well.

They are going to steal the election and so that is why there is a Diebold electronic voting machine pictured above.

I would actually call it a vote stealing machine myself.

Simple ain't it.