Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Republican Noise Machine White House Photo Op

Last month George Bush called in some right wing radio hosts to have a chat at the White House to shore up their support and get the ground troops (dupes) in line for the upcoming election. Here is a picture of the event with a murderers row of right wing fantatics who make their living lying to their listeners on a daily basis. From left to right is Mike Gallagher, Neal Boortz, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity and Michael Medved.

We have proof that the meeting was effective in getting the right wing microphone swallowers riled up, in Sean Hannity's case at least.

The fear among the right is at anxiety inducing levels at this point as you can see from this statement by the nutcase Michael Savage. Try not to laugh too hard as you read what Savage said.

Thanks to Crooks and Liars for the photo tip and for the Hannity clip.

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